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English translation for "balanced representation"


Related Translations:
hybrid representation:  混合表示法
serial representation:  串行表示
tree representation:  树形表示法树状表达式
parametric representation:  参数表示
basic representation:  基本表达式基本表示
implicit representation:  隐式表示
coherent representation:  相干态表示
conventional representation:  惯用表示法习惯表示法习用表示法
Example Sentences:
1.The composition of non - official members offers a balanced representation from businesses , the academia and the community
2.In this way , council s effectiveness could be enhanced while a balanced representation of membership at full council s meetings could be maintained
3.Some participants proposed to review the delineation of functional constituencies with the aim of achieving a balanced representation of interests and even participation
4.A participant opined that an increase in the number of seats returned by geographical constituencies should be matched by the same increase in those returned by functional constituencies in order to maintain balanced representation
5.Commenting on the composition of the board of directors , mr . donald tsang , the financial secretary , said , " the 15 - member board has a balanced representation with its directors drawn from different sectors of the community
6.Regarding the existing subsectors , a participant opined that the numbers of members of certain subsectors were not in proportion to the size of their electorate . he suggested that there should be a balanced representation of the different subsectors
7.Regarding the existing subsectors , a participant opined that the numbers of members of certain subsectors were not in proportion to the size of their electorate . he suggested that there should be a balanced representation of the different subsectors
8.While acknowledging the council s concern about the quorum requirement , the director of administration advised , in september 2005 , that the legislative intent for setting out the specific quorum and composition in legislation was to ensure a major attendance of council members at its formal meetings and with a stipulated balanced representation of views at the council discussions
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